Wednesday, May 11, 2011


  lien to save your life is that last thing you should do. I firmly believe in telling the truth and if you cant don't say any thing. Don't be tempted by the erg to get away Scot free because sooner or later it will come back to Hunt you. This passage will talk about the rights and wrongs of lying, the benefits and consequences of lying, and is it right to lie.  Everyone knows lien is bad but we still do it. One main reason I might lie is to avoid punishment or to get out of some task that I was suppose to do. this may be the same for other people when dealing with the motives. This is my opinion on the idea that there is a right was to lie and a wrong way meaning one is better then the other. I do not support this idea because I was raised in a house hold were our word was the most precious thing we had at the time. Some things I've picked up from this character is that he might not be ling, how could he of shot a man with his own gun. I have complete confidence that Steve Harman is not guilty of killing the man but is guilty of assisted robbery and death would not fit the crime of looking out for the real bandits. 
     Ling can be a tricky thing to tel apart from the truth if the person doing the ling is good at it. but maby some Little hints could help the jury tell the difference. When someone looks you in the eyes you can tell they mean business and really mean what they say. The simple look away may be key to truth because making eye contact could be intimidating to some people.  Another quick tip might have to do with there body language, how they stand or react to different things you do.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The movie (freedom writers) was OK but not one of my favorites. The story was some what moving but got a little stale towards the end. Some of the actors are good but some felt out of place so that also made me lose interest in the movie. The idea of the kids writing in notebooks was a good one because they got to exp res them self's throe words and not vilenc